Monday 14 July 2008

my finances

so today is the day i write about my financial situation its been at least a year since i last worked out how much i owe and im kind of dreading it but here goes.

provided £507 - paying weekely £10
egg credit card £700 - paying weekly £10
capital one credit card £610 - defaulted on 2 years ago has to be paid in full
vanquish credit card £1120 - defaulted on 2 years ago has to be paid in full
hsbc credit card £1700 - defaulted on 2 years ago has to be paid in full

i know it does not seem alot that i owe £4637 to be exact but 3 of these i have defaulted on and they have screwed up my credit report no end so i now need to save up to pay them off while i am also saving for the other things i need in my life like a new house and a car.

so now ive listed the debt here is my budget at the moment

i get paid weekly so my budget is on a weekly scale i get £550 a week and this is what i pay out

rent: £50
bills: £50
nursery :£90
shopping :£60
egg card :£10

total £270

this leaves me with £280 to save for all the things i need in the next year or so which are as follows....

my flat £4000 got £800
my car £1000 got £0
my debt £4637
a holiday £2000

total £10837

i could do thi in 40 weeks if i manage to save the whole £270 each week so i think i will set myself a target of 1st july 2009 to be totally out of debt and to have saved the money i need for the other things i want so i will be tracking my finances daily to see how i do with my spending and saving and hopefully finding a few money making ideas along the way to boost my income and make things a little easier for me and my family.

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